About the Centre

The Children’s Brain Cancer Centre is Australia’s first research initiative solely focused on paediatric brain cancer, treatment, and survivorship, and brings together world-leading researchers, doctors, and facilities to boost brain cancer research capacity and outcomes in Queensland and beyond.

The Centre plays a vital role in the Australian Brain Cancer Mission, which aims to double survival rates and improve the quality of life of people living with brain cancer over the next 10 years, with the longer-term aim of defeating brain cancer.

It is led by a team of four directors – Dr Tim Hassall (Children’s Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service), Prof Brandon Wainwright (University of Queensland), Prof Bryan Day (QIMR Berghofer), and Prof Greig de Zubicaray (Queensland University of Technology).

These experienced directors guide the Centre, which involves collaborators at QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, Queensland University of Technology – Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation, The University of Queensland’s Institute of Molecular Bioscience, The Diamantina Institute and Queensland Brain Institute, and the clinical infrastructure and specialists of Children’s Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service.

Brain cancer claims the life of one Australian child every nine days – more than any other disease.

Despite advances in other types of childhood cancer, survival rates for brain cancer have made little progress over the past 30 years. The Children’s Brain Cancer Centre aims to change that.

Collaboration partners