
There are so many ways you can get involved and support the Children’s Hospital Foundation fund this vital area of research which claims the life of one Australian child every nine days.

Fundraising is one of the most powerful ways you can help and by creating an online fundraising page and sharing this with friends, family and colleagues you are helping in promoting and funding this critical area of research. Our friendly Community Partnerships team is here to support you along the way and if you have any questions please get in touch at or phone 1300 742 554.

Start fundraising today and together we can help advance treatment options, improve survivorship and ultimately, find a cure.

Fundraising FAQs

What do I need to do to start fundraising?

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Sign up by registering and setting a fundraising target here. Promote your support for the event online through social media and seek donations by sharing your page through your networks.

Where does my donation go?

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Every dollar raised will help fund vital research for the Children’s Brain Cancer Centre.

How much do I need to raise?

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There is no minimum amount to fundraise for the Children’s Hospital Foundation. Every donation, big & small is greatly appreciated and will help provide research to improve the treatment and quality of life for children living with brain cancer.

What resources are available for me to use?

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We have a number of resources in development that will be available soon. There are also money tins in the office and a limited number of tap to donate machines and banners we may be able to loan out for short periods in the Brisbane region. Contact the team to chat through your event and how we can support you.

How do I get a copy of the logo to use for my fundraiser?

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We have a Community Supporter Logo available for you to use. Please contact the team at once you have set up your online fundraising page so we can send you our guidelines for use.

I have a cash donation. What do I do?

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You can add this in through your login page as an offline donation to still recognise your donor/event. You will need to use your bank card to make payment and then hang onto the cash - it is that simple. Alternatively, contact our team and we can provide you with bank account details and a unique reference number so you can transfer into our account.

How do I get a tax deductible receipt?

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Donations over $2 are eligible for a tax deductible receipt. After you receive a donation to your page the donor will be automatically emailed a receipt. If you have misplaced this as a donor please use your email address that you used when you donated to access a copy here or contact with your details if this function is not working for you.

I am having trouble setting up my fundraising page. How do I get in contact with the Children’s Hospital Foundation?

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Our Community Partnerships team is here to help and we would love to hear from you. You can contact the team here during business hours to support you with your idea.