Discovery and development of targeted therapies for paediatric brain cancer
(QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute).
Professor Bryan Day's research falls under two innovative projects to contribute to the discovery of new targeted therapies. The first project will build upon Professor Bryan Day’s previous research, which has demonstrated that a specific type of molecule known as “EphA3” is only located on tumour cells and is present in approximately 50% of all medulloblastomas. This presents a valuable opportunity to create new and specifically targetable treatments that kill brain cancer cells without harming healthy cells.
Using samples obtained from the Queensland Children’s Tumour Bank, Prof Day will expand upon his research to understand the function of EphA3 in multiple types of childhood brain cancer.
The second project involves researching a molecule known as oligodendrocyte transcription factor (OLIG2), which is found in 75% of medulloblastoma tumours. OLIG2 is well-recognised for its significance in cancer and is thought to have a large role tumour formation in paediatric medulloblastoma. Inhibiting the function of OLIG2 with a known therapeutic agent may be an effective way of specifically killing brain tumours.

The research

The potential outcomes
Professor Bryan Day’s research will test whether two novel targeted brain cancer treatments are effective in killing medulloblastoma cancer cells when used alone and in combination with existing standard treatments. It is hoped that the results of this research can be used to inform new clinical trials for paediatric brain cancer patients.
The research team
Prof Bryan Day
QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, CBCC Program, Director Scientific lead of this project
Dr Timothy Hassall
Queensland Children’s Hospital, University of Queensland, CBCC Program Director, Lead Clinical Investigator
Prof Brandon Wainwright
University of Queensland – IMB, CBCC Program Director, Lead Scientist Investigator
Prof Greig de Zubicaray
Queensland University of Technology, CBCC Program Director
A/Prof Kristofer Thurecht
University of Queensland, CAI, Associate – drug development
Emeritus Andrew Boyd
University of Queensland & QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, Associate – intellectual/clinical support
Prof Terrance Johns
Telethon Kids Institute, Associate – intellectual/model support